GAZA [Main]

År: 1918
Lengde: 22 mins
Beskrivelse: (Reel 1) A panorama of Gaza under British occupation. (The two ships described as shallow draft monitors which bombarded Gaza are HMS Moth and HMS Caddis Fly (?) serving in Mesopotamia.) The ruins of the Great Mosque: "information was received that the Turks were using the Great Mosque as an ammunition dump" and so "the Turks paid the penalty for their sacrilegious trickery, our guns fired five rounds at the Mosque, with disastrous results". British and Indian troops with Turkish Army prisoners. A final portrait shot of General Sir Edmund Allenby, commanding the Egyptian Expeditionary Force. (Reel 2) A series of stockshots. A camel train carrying water, another camel train encamped. 60-pounder guns of 75th Division (?) in action. Limbered 18-pounders entering Gaza. The old trenches around Gaza shown by night and day. British soldiers in part of the ruins of Gaza. Two German prisoners taken along with the Turks. Australian Light Horse, probably in a training exercise, making a dismounted charge in the sand dunes. British Lewis machine-gunners training.
Scenes of Gaza and its surroundings shortly after its capture by British forces, Palestine Front, November 1917.
Nøkkelord: EFG1914 / World War I / Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman / British Army, Egyptian Expeditionary Force / British Army, Div 75 / Australian Army, Australian Imperial Force / Australian Army, Egyptian Expeditionary Force / Australian Army, Australian Light Horse / Indian Army, Egyptian Expeditionary Force / ships, British naval - light forces: Moth / ships, British naval - light forces: Caddis Fly (?) / buildings, Palestinian - religious: mosque & [damaged] / propaganda, British - inflammatory / prisoners of war, Turkish - movement / prisoners of war, German - movement / animals, mammals: camel / weapons, British - gun: 60-pounder / weapons, British - gun: 18-pounder field gun / combat, British - artillery bombardment / training, Australian military - combat / training, British military - weapons: machine gun / weapons, British - smallarm: Lewis machine gun / 01/3(569).42 / Turkey & Gaza, Palestine / desert
Leverandør: Imperial War Museums
Rettigheter: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Produksjonsselskap: Topical Film Company
Farge: Black & White
Sound: Without sound